Bearing, Bushing, and Seal Fits Repair

A damaged, oversized bearing, bushing, or seal fit can be effectively repaired easily with the following procedure:

1) Prepare repair surface following metal preparations guide.  Note: an effective medium for this is a powered abrasive cloth wheel.  Be careful to thoroughly clean and roughen, while not removing too much surface.  (Fig. 1)

2) Thoroughly clean and degrease area using Metal Prep II™.

3) Prepare the bearing, bushing or seal by wiping clean, making sure the surface is smooth and bright. Coat the surface completely with Silicone Lubricant & Release Agent.  (Fig. 2)

bearing bushing seal fit repair

4) Wearing rubber gloves, apply a thin layer of Machinable Repair™ to the housing surface.  Be sure to fill any voids and pay particular attention to worn areas.  (Fig. 3)  The goal is to apply enough to ensure an intimate fit of the bearing without having an excessive amount squeezed out after the bearing is inserted. Attempt to keep the compound out of the bearing casing.

5) Carefully insert the bearing, bushing, or seal into place.  Remove excess Machinable Repair™ and smooth out surface.  (Fig 4)  (A wet, gloved finger works well for this.)

bearing bushing seal fit repair

6) Make sure the bearing, bushing or seal is properly aligned.  This can be done by either aligning with the original shaft, or by using a jig.  (Fig. 5)  Let the Machinable Repair™ cure according to technical guide.

 bearing bushing seal fit repair


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