Lease Combustion Wire Thermal Spray Gun 12M

Lease 12M
In stock


Lease agreement call:  409-994-5751

Lease the Metalink 12M combustion Wire Thermal Spray Gun.  This combustion wire spray gun operates on a combination of clean oil-free compressed air, oxygen and acetylene.  It can spray all materials which can be made into a wire, normally 1/8" in diameter.  Other wire diameters such as 3/16", 15 and 11ga can also be used by means of attachable hardware which is readily available.  The standard gun is supplied with a drive suitable to spray high melting points materials, but it can be converted to a high speed spray for lower melting point materials such as zinc, aluminum and Babbitt.  In this case 3/16" diameter wires can be used for very high throughput.  Various accessories are available such as:  extensions for inside diameters; air caps with different configurations; and nozzle and siphon plug combination for use with propane in place of acetylene.